Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hadley's first fishing trip...

Our church life group had a get together last sunday night to finish out our study on 40 Days of Community. We went to the Warnock's and had a great time fishing, eating, and playing tag football! Hayden has been fishing several times, but this was Hadley's first time and she loved it, she wasn't scared at all. But, I think her favorite part was getting to ride the gator down to the pond.

Hayden and his friend Jackson

Hadley, Hunter and Ty

GiGi and Aunt Vicki

Drew's aunt and grandma came for a quick visit last Saturday. It was great to see them both. We really appreciate them spending six hours in the car (in 1 day) to come and spend some time with us! The kids call their great-grandma "GiGi". They brought the kids some new books. GiGi had fun chasing them around the game room with the blow up sticks from the homecoming game - the kids loved it too! We hadn't seen aunt Vicki in over a year so it was fun to catch up!

Aunt Vicki and Hayden

Aunt Vicki, Drew and Gigi

Happy Birthday Nina!

We celebrated Nina's birthday last weekend. We had a delish meal at PF Chang's and then headed back to our house for gifts and a rasberry filled chocolate cake from Merritt's!

the green girls....kylie and I tend to show up in the same colors, if not the same outfits

the "birthday girl"

Uncle Drew and Cal

Cal and Hadley helping out... a few things she got were some new fun clothes and a canvas of cal

"Happy Birthday to you....
